Thursday 21 March 2019

Kayah Traditional Dress

The natives of Kayah state are referred to as “Karenni”.  Kayah are quite well-known for their practice of stacking metal rings on young girls necks throughout their lifetime to achieve an elongated neck which they consider beautiful.  Traditional Kayah clothing is quite colorful and red is the main color used. The clothing is woven from cotton and made into shirts for both men and women and dresses for women.  They are adorned with fringe and tassels.

Mon Traditional Dress

 Mon traditional clothing is described as being similar to the Bamar clothing styles as you can see above. They also wear longyis, even though the designs are subtler in comparison to their neighbors.  Red is the predominate color of choice. The longyi for both men and women is typically be red and for formal occasions, women wear red sashes paired with lighter colored tops. Women usually style their hair in a simple bun on top of their head while men opt to wear a turban.

Chin State

 Chin State is a state in western Myanmar. The 36,019-square-kilometre Chin State is bordered by Sagaing Division and Magway Division to the east, Rakhine State to the south, Bangladesh to the south-west, and the Indian states of Mizoram to the west and Manipur to the north.

Shan State

 Shan State is a state of Myanmar. Shan State borders China to the north, Laos to the east, and Thailand to the south, and five administrative divisions of Burma in the west. Largest of the 14 administrative divisions by land area, Shan State covers 155,800 km², almost a quarter of the total area of Burma

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Shinbyu (Novitatiation Ceremony)

 Shinbyu  is the Burmese term for a novitiation ceremony  in the tradition of Theravada Buddhism, referring to the celebrations marking the sāmaṇera (novitiate) monastic ordination of a boy under the age of 20.
It is deemed the most important duty that parents owe to their son by letting him go forth and embrace the legacy of Gautama Buddha, join the sangha and become immersed in the teachings of the Buddha, the Dhamma, at least for a short while, perhaps longer if not for the rest of his life. A boy may become a novice on more than one occasion, but by the age of twenty there will be another great occasion, the upasampada ordination, in which the boy becomes a fully ordained bhikkhu. Those who are not blessed with a male child will seek for an orphan boy or a boy from very poor families in order to receive this special dispensation by the Buddha and hence gain great merit by the act. Shinbyu may well be regarded as a rite of passage or coming of age ceremony as in other religions. Allowing a son to spend some time however short it may be in a Burmese Buddhist monastery is regarded by most Burmese Buddhists as the best religious gift that his parents can give him and it is believed to have a lasting effect on his life.

Mont Lin Ma Yar ( Couple's Snack )

Roughly translated as “husband and wife snacks,” these tiny bites are a visual delight. Dollops of rice flour batter are put tin a large sizzling cast iron pan that resembles a muffin tin. Toppings such as quail eggs, scallions, or roasted chickpeas are added to half of the dollops, and then, like a husband and wife, the two halves are joined to make a little round cake. The quail egg versions are the perfect breakfast food, like eating half a dozen mini egg McMuffins.

Lahpet is  for fermented or pickled teaMyanmar is one of very few countries where tea is eaten as well as drunk. Its pickled tea is unique in the region, and is not only regarded as the national delicacy but plays a significant role in Burmese society. Its place in the cuisine of Myanmar is reflected by the following popular expression: "Of all the fruit, the mango is the best; of all the meat, the pork is the best; and of all the leaves, lahpet is the best". In the West, laphet is most commonly encountered in tea leaf salad.


Myitkyina is the capital city of Kachin State in Northern Myanmar. The population of the city is around 150,000. Myitkyina is on the west bank of the Ayeyarwady River, just below 40 kilometers from Myit-Sone of its two headstreams. The main attraction of Myitkyina are its cultural,ethnic and religious diversity.


Mandalay is the second largest city and the last royal capital of Myanmar.Mandalay Palace from the Konbaung Dynasty is restored in the center of the city.The city has a population of 1,225,553. Mandalay is the economic center of Upper Myanmar and considered the center of Myanmar culture.

Monday 11 March 2019

Pyin Oo Lwin

Pyin Oo Lwin is a scenic hill town in Mandalay Division,Myanmar .Pyin Oo Lwin botanical garden is unique in Myanmar and the town itseld does retain a number if characteristic examples of 19th century country house.To the east of Pyin Oo Lwin, there is a beautiful Pwe Gauk fall.It's a popular place for locals to hang out.It's easy to get around on foot or on bicycles or hire a gharry.

Mont Lone Yay Paw (Myanmar traditional dessert)

The name Mont Lone Yay Paw literally means "rounds snack on the water" in Burmese, as it's made by boiling up balls of rice dough which bob along on top of the bubbling water when they're ready to eat.Here is a link how to make Mont Lone Yay Paw.

                                             How to make Mont Lone Yay Paw

Mahamuni Pagoda

The Maharmuni Temple is located in Mandalay,Myanmar.Maharmuni is the holiest pagoda of Mandalay and considered the second holiest place in Myanmar.The pagoda was built in 1785 by King Bodawpaya of the KOnbaung.Several shops aroung the temple sell offerings for the Mahamuni Buddha image such as incense sticks,candle and flowers.The Mahamuni museum on the temple grounds tells about the history of Buddhism.There are also maps that explain about the spread of Buddhism across Asia during last 25 centuries

Monday 4 March 2019

Tazaungdaing Festival

The Tazaungdaing Festival is celebrated as a national holiday in Burma and marks the end of the rainy season. It also marks the end of the Kathina season, during which monks are offered new robes and alms. 

Tazaungdaing Festival 

Thandingyut Festival

The Thandingyut Festival,also known as the lighting festival of Myanmar,is held on the full day of  the Burmese Luna month of Thandingyut. This is the second most popular festival in Myanmar after Thingyan Festival (New Year Water Festival). Thandingyut  Festival lasts for three days.During the festival day,young people pay respect to their parents, teachers , and elderly relatives and offer them some fruits and other gifts.Also while paying homage the younger people usually ask for forgiveness from the wrong-doing they have caused upon their parents or the other elderly relatives throughout the year.The elders tell them that they forgive any of their wrongdoing and continue to bless them with good luck and gift some big notes as pocket money.Here is the video of how people celebrate the festival.

                                             Thandingyut Festival (Lighting Festival of Myanmar)

Inlay Lake

Inlay Lake is the second largest natural lake in Myamar. It is situated in the middle of Naung Shwe Valley. Inlay Lake is 35 kilometers away from the nearest airport Heho. There are flights to there from Yangon and Mandalay. Here is the link about Inlay Lake.

                                                           Inlay Lake Myanmar


Shwedagon Pagoda

Shwe Dagon is one of the most famous pagoda in Myanmar. It is located in Yangon,Myanmar. The 326 foot tall (99 m) is situated on Singuttara Hill. It is believed to contain relics of the four previous Buddha. The pagoda was built by Mon people between 6th an 10th centuries. It is the oldest Buddha stupa in the world.The gold seen on the stupa is made of genius gold plate.

Myanmar Water Festival (Thingyan)